Part 1: Foundations of the Activity

Chapter 29: Vision Development

Section 1: Understanding the Activity: Scope and Objectives


The inception of Vision Development as a Scrum Master activity is pivotal in steering the team towards a unified goal. This section underscores the importance of crafting and conveying a shared vision, which is not only aligned with the organization’s strategic objectives but also acts as a beacon for the team’s Agile journey. It is a fundamental segment of the guide, aimed at elucidating the Scrum Master’s role in vision development within the context of product management.

Scope of the Activity

The scope of Vision Development is multifaceted, encompassing the creation, refinement, and dissemination of a vision that resonates with all stakeholders:

  • Creation of a Compelling Vision: The process begins with the formulation of a clear and compelling vision that encapsulates the essence of the product and inspires the team.
  • Alignment with Organizational Strategy: The vision must be in harmony with the organization’s strategic goals, ensuring that every sprint contributes to the broader business objectives.
  • Collaborative Refinement: The vision is not static; it evolves through continuous collaboration with the team, stakeholders, and customers, adapting to changing market and organizational dynamics.
  • Communication and Buy-in: Effective communication strategies are employed to ensure that the vision is understood and embraced by the entire team and relevant stakeholders.
  • Guidance for Decision-Making: The vision serves as a guiding star for decision-making, prioritization, and conflict resolution throughout the product development lifecycle.

Objectives of the Activity

The objectives of Vision Development are to instill a sense of purpose and direction within the team:

  • Provide Strategic Direction: The vision sets the strategic direction for the team’s efforts, ensuring that all activities are aligned with the end goal.
  • Enhance Team Cohesion: A shared vision fosters team unity and collaboration, as members work towards a common objective.
  • Facilitate Stakeholder Engagement: The vision acts as a tool for engaging and aligning stakeholders, securing their support and involvement.
  • Empower Agile Decision-Making: With a clear vision, the team can make Agile decisions that propel the product forward in a consistent and focused manner.
  • Drive Product Success: Ultimately, the vision is the cornerstone of the product’s success, guiding the team through the complexities of development and market challenges.


The activity of Vision Development is a transformative endeavor that shapes the trajectory of product development. This chapter’s focus on understanding the scope and objectives of Vision Development equips Scrum Masters with the tools to craft a vision that is both aspirational and actionable. By integrating this activity into their practice, Scrum Masters can lead their teams with clarity and purpose, ensuring that every sprint is a step towards realizing the product’s potential and achieving organizational success.