Part 3: Advancing and Refining the Activity

Chapter 21: Feedback Implementation

Section 8: Maturity Models: Benchmarking Success


The Maturity Models section is a critical component of Chapter 21, serving as a compass for Scrum Masters to gauge and enhance their feedback implementation processes. It delineates the evolutionary path of feedback mechanisms, from their nascent stages to a state of continuous refinement. This section aims to equip Scrum Masters with the insights needed to recognize their current maturity level and to provide a clear trajectory for progression, ensuring that feedback becomes a catalyst for excellence in the Scrum process.

Maturity Levels Overview

Level 1: Initial (Ad-hoc)
  • Characteristics: Feedback is sporadic, informal, and reactive with no structured process.
  • Outcomes: Inconsistent improvements and unpredictable results.
  • Indicators: Ad-hoc suggestions, absence of regular retrospectives.
  • Advancement: Begin to establish regular feedback sessions and basic tracking.
Level 2: Managed (Repeatable)
  • Characteristics: Feedback sessions are scheduled, but may lack depth and follow-through.
  • Outcomes: Some improvements are noted, but they are not yet predictable or scalable.
  • Indicators: Scheduled retrospectives, initial metrics collection.
  • Advancement: Focus on actionable feedback and ensure follow-up on commitments.
Level 3: Defined (Consistent)
  • Characteristics: Feedback is regular, with consistent methods and some documented procedures.
  • Outcomes: Steady improvements, with a clearer link between feedback and enhancements.
  • Indicators: Documented feedback processes, more reliable improvements.
  • Advancement: Standardize feedback mechanisms across teams and projects.
Level 4: Quantitatively Managed (Measured)
  • Characteristics: Feedback is analyzed with quantitative data, driving informed decisions.
  • Outcomes: Predictable and measurable improvements, with a focus on efficiency.
  • Indicators: Data-driven insights, trend analysis, and continuous monitoring.
  • Advancement: Integrate advanced analytics and broaden the scope of feedback sources.
Level 5: Optimizing (Continuous Improvement)
  • Characteristics: Feedback loops are fully integrated, with proactive and strategic improvements.
  • Outcomes: Continuous and iterative enhancements, with a culture of excellence.
  • Indicators: Ongoing optimization, widespread adoption of best practices.
  • Advancement: Foster a culture of innovation and encourage organization-wide participation.

Progressing Through Levels

Ascend through the maturity levels by regularly assessing current practices against the model. Set specific, measurable goals for each progression stage. Develop a tailored roadmap that includes training, tool adoption, and process refinement. Encourage a culture of feedback at all levels, ensuring that learning and improvement are embedded in the team’s DNA. Continuously measure the impact of changes and adjust strategies accordingly.


This section underscores the transformative power of structured feedback within the Scrum framework. By navigating through the maturity models, Scrum Masters can benchmark their success and strive for a state of continuous improvement. The guidance provided here is instrumental in evolving the feedback implementation activity, fostering a culture of relentless pursuit of excellence, and ultimately contributing to the overarching goal of delivering exceptional value through Agile practices.